Freitag, 29. Juli 2005

Passagierliste der Fluechtlinge aus Nazideutschland Lissabon/USA August 1941

Hier bekommen "Personen" ein Gesicht, einen Namen, einen Geburtsort, Beruf, ein Leben....sind nicht laenger Masken, namenslos, sind nicht mehr Per-sonen - sind Menschen !!

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List or Manifest of Alien Passengers
S.S. Mouzinho, Passengers sailing from Lisbon, August 20th, 1941.
Arriving at Port of New York, 2 of September 1941:
Quelle: Historisches Dokument

Portugal, Regierung und Menschen, verdienen Hochachtung und Dankbarkeit:

Geschichte der SS MOUZINHO:
Das Schiff Portugals im Dienste der Menschlichkeit

(einkopiert von einer der Seiten des o.g. links)
Notes from Mr. Stahl:
The Mouzinho was built in Kiel, Germany in 1907 for the Hamburg America Line and was originally named the Guglielmo Pierce. She changed owners and names several times before being acquired by the Companhia Colonial de Navegacao of Portugal in 1930 and renamed the Mouzinho.

The Mouzinho made two round voyages between Lisbon and New York in June and in August, 1941. My mother along with her brother and parents were passengers on the second voyage, arriving in New York on September 1, 1941. The passengers had to remain aboard ship until September 2nd since the 1st was Labor Day and no ships were allowed to unload. They traveled from Berlin to Lisbon in a passenger car that was "sealed" in Berlin as they traveled through Germany and France to Irun on the Spanish border then on to Lisbon. Their story is not unique. I have corresponded with several families from the voyage who have related similar stories about "sealed" train cars from Hamburg and Frankfurt going to Lisbon.

Included in the passengers on the August voyage were 44 children sponsored by the OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants based in Paris) in conjunction with the US Committee for the Protection of European Children, Jewish Children's Aid and the American Friends Service Committee of Marseilles. These organizations arranged for close to 200 children to escape Europe to the United States on the two voyages of the Mouzinho and on a third voyage aboard the Serpa Pinto in September 1941. It appears that among these 200 children were thirty-five children who had been on the St. Louis and had been under the care of the OSE since the St. Louis returned to Europe in August 1939

Die Bilder der Flucht:
Juedische Fluechtlinge aus Konzentrationslagern in Frankreich bei Einschiffung in Lissabon

Und wer weiss was das gebietet ?

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